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The Fleche d'Or from Calais to Paris with some through sleeping cars in 0 gauge by Elettren and MTH
Chapelon NORD Pacific - Flèche d 'Or from Calais to Paris with some extra sleepers for beyond Paris
Flèche d'Or de Paris a Londres en écartement 0 - Golden Arrow from Paris to London in O Gauge
Fleche d'Or 2002
La flèche d'or en 1949 et en 2021 au jardin avec le remarquable wagon à bagages
Paris Côte Belge Pullman Express in 0 Gauge in the Garden
MTH and Elettren CIWL train gauge 0.wmv
Unboxing - Voiture Flèche d'Or 4027
Tinplate NORD Pacifics in 3 rail 0 Gauge by JEP, Hornby, Le Rapide and AS with matching trains
SNCF 241A with the Orient Express gauge 1